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Talati Exam Free Coaching LIVE on YouTube

Talati Exam Free Coaching LIVE on YouTube

  • 20 December 2022
  • Liberty Career Acade

Famous and Important Talati Exam Preparation with KTM 2.0 On YouTube - Only by Liberty Career Academy

Diamonds are very valuable things. As we dig deeper into the earth, we find coal, along with the valuable useful material, diamond.
Liberty Career Academy strives to ensure that the right exam knowledge reaches you. In detail, whenever the recruitment in government jobs is announced, Liberty Career Academy launches a knowledge project corresponding to that exam so that the candidate can easily get knowledge of the subjects relevant to the exam and get knowledge/study relevant to the subjects.

Ever since the announcement of Talati exam by the Gujarat government, Liberty is providing guidance to the candidates according to the announcement of Talati. Along with this, every day Talati candidates are being given free coaching on different subjects on Youtube channel. In which subjects like Mathematics, Gujarati, History, Science, Geography, Reasoning, Current Affairs, Planning, Culture and Computer are taught to the candidates through LIVE through YouTube channel every day.

This LIVE teaching scheme of YouTube is popularly known as KTM. Liberty Career Academy organized a 15-day KTM 2.0 program for the Talati exam to be held in 2023, in which all the subjects of the Talati exam were covered free of cost to the candidates at home. This KTM 2.0 program was very well used by the candidates and thousands of candidates got exam-related knowledge by staying LIVE on YouTube and solved their mind-blowing questions.


When the government will bring a job for the candidates who want to get a government job, then Liberty will be with the candidate and will always be with the candidate through books, coaching, faculty and will help as much as possible to get the government job.

If you have been deprived of any online or offline exam coaching, then visit your nearest Liberty center today, you will find a reliable institute of Liberty near you.

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